Why should I register to vote?
No right we possess as American citizens is as dear as that of the secret ballot. Voting allows each citizen to have his or her voice heard, and voting preserves the freedom we Americans cherish.
Must I be a U.S. citizen and a resident to register to vote in Ohio?
You must be a U.S. citizen and a resident of Ohio for at least thirty (30) days before the election, and you must have registered to vote in Ohio at least thirty (30) days before the election.
How do I register to vote?
You may register to vote simply by filling out a brief form, giving your intent to register, your name, birth date, citizenship status, age, current address and signature.
Special Note: The federal election reform bill, the Help America Vote Act of 2002, provides new identification requirements for persons registering by mail and voting for the first time in a federal election.
House Bill 458 requires a person who registers or updates their voter registration to provide at least one of the following:
- An Ohio driver's license number or state ID card number; or
- The last four digits of the voter's SSN.
Do I have to register before every election?
No. Once you register to vote and vote in at least one general election in four years and - if you so choose - in a primary or special election, you never have to register again. Remember: You must keep your registration accurately updated for changes that may occur in your life such as a move or a name change.
Can I register to vote anywhere as long as it is in Ohio?
Yes, you may register at any approved registration site in the State of Ohio, but you must vote in the county and precinct where you reside. It is a felony to knowingly make application or attempt to register in a precinct in which you are not a qualified voter. The system in our country is based on the premise of one person, one vote.
How old must I be to be able to register to vote?
You will be at least 18 years old on or before the day of the next general election. (If you will be 18 on or before the general election, you may vote in the primary election to nominate candidates, but you cannot vote on issues or party central committees until you are 18)
Must I declare a political party affiliation when I register?
No. However, when you vote in a primary election, your vote will determine your party affiliation.
On election day, by requesting a political party ballot, the Voter becomes a Registered Democrat or Registered Republican. Once they have voted that ballot, the party affiliation designation can only be changed by requesting a different party ballot in the next Primary Election. All voters are initially referred to as No Party until a primary ballot has been cast.
Many voters believe they are already classified as a Democrat or Republican but will be listed as No Party. After the primary party selection, the voter's record will show whatever ballot they have requested in the Primary Election.
If the Voter wishes to declare No Party affiliation, their ballot will contain all the same public issues as does the Voter selecting a party ballot, However, they will not have input into Democratic or Republican Party nominations or representatives for that party. Nor can a voter ask to vote for some Democrats and some Republicans in a primary. Cross voting can occur during General elections, but not Primaries.
I recently moved out of Ohio. How do I cancel my registration?
¿Como me registro para votar ev Ohio?
Los residentes de Ohio elegibles para
votar tienen 3 opciones:
en https://olvr.ohiosos.gov/ovru/ModifyAddress.aspx
encuentre los formularios
de registración en sos.state.oh.us
en la oficina del Secretario de Estado, cualquier junta de
elecciones, BMV de Ohio, biblioteca pública, escuela
secundaria pública, escuela vocacional, tesorería de los
condados, o en cualquier otra agencia designada.